Original probate records may include many important clues for a researcher. These documents may include: date and place of death, name of spouse, names of children and possibly birth order, children’s spouses, grandchildren, locations of property and names of neighbors, indications of occupation and wealth, siblings or even parents. Judgments are decisions of the court in a legal dispute and they provide important information unavailable elsewhere. The types of documents in the judgment files may include deeds, receipts, and memoranda documenting the sheriff’s attempts to serve a witness. Especially valuable on these original probate and judgment records are original signatures or signature marks which can help to differentiate between men of the same or similar names. The signatures and marks can also be used to assist and positively identify the date and vessel of arrival of an immigrant in this country.

This series of CDs by Eric Hedrick contains high quality images of original documents, not images of the recordings. These documents were found in the courthouse in Staunton, VA. Disc 1 contains probate records and judgments, discs 2, 3, 4 & 5 contain probate records, and discs 6 & 7 contains judgments. The records are for the colonial period and feature residents of the South Branch of the Potomac (now Pendleton County, WV). Several non-residents (*) are included because they or their records may be of interest to Pendleton County researchers. A complete table of contents is included on each disc. Many of the surnames found in the contents use a standardized spelling to help with identification. The spelling of those surnames may vary greatly in the documents. Disc 6 is the winner of the 2013 Donald Mosher Memorial Award for Colonial Virginia Research.

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John Bloar (ca. 1758)
Nicholas Frank (ca. 1758)
Michael Freez [Freeze, Friese] (ca. 1758)
Michael Mallo [Mallow] (ca. 1773)
Elizabeth Moser (ca. 1765)
George Moser (ca. 1758)
Peter Moser (ca. 1758)
George Mouse [Maus] (ca. 1758)
Andrew Smith [Andreas Schmidt] (ca. 1762)

JUDGMENTS [Many not listed in Chalkley]
Michael Malco's [Mallow's] asgn vs. George Anderson (ca. 1758)
Michael Malco's [Mallow's] asgn vs. William Craven & George Anderson (ca. 1758)
Michael Mallo vs. Capt. Francis Kirkly [Kirtley, Cartley] (ca. 1758)
Michael Mallo vs. Peter Venemon (ca. 1766)
Michael Mallow vs. Jacob Harper (ca. 1771)
Michael Mallow vs. Samuel Hines (ca. 1763)


Alkire, Anderson, Arewan [Erwin], Arrawon [Erwin], Baniger [Penninger], Beard, Bennett, Bland, Bogart, Bowyer, Boyer, Bragg, Brake, Branam?, Brown, Burns, Butcher, Caplinger [Keplinger], Carpenter, Carr, Coil, Colly, Conrad, Cousan?, Craigard, Craven, Cravens, Cunningham, Davis, Denniston, Dice, Dickinson, Dunkell [Dunkle], Dunkle, Easter, Erwin, Fletcher, Friend, Geil [Coil, Kile], Goodman, Gragg, Green, Griffith, Gross, Gutman [Goodman], Hagler, Hambleton, Hamer, Hammer, Harbolt [Harpole], Harman, Harper, Harpole, Harrison, Heavner, Herber [Harper], Herron, Higgins, Hines, Hinton, Hoal [Hull], Hoffman, Hog, Hoover, Hopkins, Huffman, Hughes, Hull, Husher? [Hushaw?], Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Judy, Keister, King, Kirkly [Kirtley, Cartley], Kirtley, Kister [Keister, Easter, Eister], Kunrad [Conrad], Loch, Lough, Love, Macdols? [MacDougal?], Mack, Macoy [McCoy?], Madison, Magary [McGary], Magill [McGill?], Malco [Mallow], Mallo, Mallow, Maus [Mouse], McCoy, McGary, Minness, Moore, Morral, Moser, Mouse, Nelson, Nicholas, Opp [Upp], Peeterson [Peterson, Biederts], Pence, Penninger, Peters, Peterson, Pickle, Poage, Powers, Preston, Propst, Ralston, Rexrode, Rice, Roleman [Ruleman], Rollman, Rule, Segerfoot [Zickenfoose?], Sevier [Seibert, Seybert], Seybert, Shanklin, Shaver, Shever [Shaffer, Shaver, Shever], Shobe, Simmons, Skidmor, Skidmore, Skillern, Smith [Schmidt], Springstone, Stein [Stone], Stephens, Stevenson, Stinson, Stookey, Summerfield, Swadley, Timble [Trimble?], Vanemon [Veneman], Vanscoy, Venemon [Veneman], Vennemon, Waggener, Waggner, Wagner [Waggener, Wagner], Walker, Westfall, Wiatt, Wilfong, Wilmouth, Wilson, Wise, Wood.


George Dice (ca. 1771)
Loudowick Fridley* (ca. 1771)
George Fults [Fuls, Voltz] (ca. 1773)
Valentine Geil [Goile, Keil, Kile] (ca. 1766)
Nicholas Havenor [Haffner, Heavner, Heavener] (ca. 1769)
Peter Hohl (ca. 1776)
Henry Lawrence (ca. 1758)
Daniel Mouse (ca. 1751)
Noah Roundtree (ca. 1770)
Jacob Sivers [Seibert, Seybert] (ca. 1758)
George Zee [Zea] (ca. 1751)


Archer, Argon, Baniger [Penniger], Baninger [Penninger], Barselisinsmayer, Belle, Bennet, Bowyer, Boyer, Brigs, Burns, Butcher, Campbell, Caplinger, Coile, Coningham [Cunningham], Conrad, Conrat [Conrad], Conrod, Coonrd, Coonrod, Countryman, Cowger, Cravens, Critchs [Crites], Cunningham, Davidson, Davis, Dice, Dieder [Teter], Dunkell [Dunkle], Dunkle, Dunwoody, Ellis, Ermantrout [Armentrout], Erven, Evick, Evy [Evick], Feemster, Feris [Phares], Fisher, Flasher, Fleischer, Fletcher, Friend, Fults, Fultz, Geil [Kile], Gilbert, Goodman [Guttman], Grag [Gragg], Gregory, Groce [Gross], Grubers, Haffener [Havenor, Heavener], Hagler, Hall, Ham, Hamilton, Hammer, Harbolt [Harbold, Harpole], Harper, Harpole, Harrisson, Havenor, Heavener, Heavner [Hevener, Heavener, Heavner, Heffner], Herber [Harper], Hetrick [Hedrick], Hinkle, Hite, Hodom, Hoffener, Hog, Hogshead, Hole [Hull, Hohl], Holl [Hohl, Hull], Hoover, Hotham [Hothum, Hotam, Hodam], Huffman, Hufman [Huffman], Huston, Huver [Hoover], Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Judy, Kearr [Carr, Kerr], Keith, Kile, Kister [Keister, Easter, Eister], Kunrad [Conrad], Kyle, Lam, Lantz, Larance [Lawrence, Lorentz, Lowrentz], Lentz [Lantz], Lewis, Loch [Lach, Lough], Lockhart, Love, Lower [Lauer], Madison, Mallo, Mallow, Man [Mann], Mannen, Mannin, McAlley, McClure, McCoy, McDowell, McGill, Michker [Metzger, Butcher], Miller, Minnis, Misker [Metzger], Montgomery, Moser, Murray, Nelson, Nicholas, Nief [Neff], Northors, Overman, Painter, Parsons, Patton, Penniger, Penninger, Peters [later Peterson], Pickel, Pickens, Pircy [Perkey], Poage, Preston, Price, Propst, Puffenbarger, Reagan, Richason [Richardson], Risch [Rush], Ritchesson [Richardson], Robinson, Rogers, Rule, Ruleman, Rush, Schafer [Shaffer], Schudy [Judy], Sea [Zee, Zeh], Scot [Scott], Segefut [Zickafoose], Severt [Seibert, Seybert, Sivers], Shaver, Shepler, Sherul [Shobe? Shull aka Shall?], Shipman, Shoab [Shobe], Simmons, Simon [Simmons], Simond [Simmons], Sinclair, Siver [Seibert, Seybert], Sivert [Seibert, Seybert], Skidmore, Skillern, Sleethrs, Smith, Snodon, Spears, Stein [Stone], Stephenson, Stevenson, Stone, Summers, Swadley, Thacket, Veneman [Vanemon, Vanimon], Venimmon, Venneman, Voltz [Fults, Fultz], Waggoner [Wagner], Waller, Wooldridge, Wright, Zea [Zeh, Zee, Sea].


George Caplinger [Keplinger] (ca. 1773)
John Colley* (ca. 1760)
Jacob Conrad (ca. 1776)
Henry Haws [Haas, Horse] (ca. 1755)
John Herman [Harman]* (ca. 1760)
Valentine Metzger [Mitscorls, Mitzker, Mitscaw, Butcher] (ca. 1773)
Mark Miller (ca. 1757)
Jacob Ruleman (ca. 1772)
Paul Shaver (ca. 1772)
Mark Swadley (ca. 1772)


Aehart [Erhardt], Ahart, Alexander, Alkier [Alkire], Anderson, Archer, Baker, Baninger [Penninger], Barlley, Bayley, Beard, Bentz [Pence], Bingaman, Bodken [Bodkin], Bogart, Boraf?[Boras?, Borat?], Bowers, Bowyer, Boyer, Brack [Brock?], Buffeberry [Buffenberry, Puffenbarger], Burn, Butcher, Byrns, Calleson, Capliner [Caplinger, Keplinger], Capport [Kephart], Carpender, Carpenter [Zimmerman], Cawley [Colley?], Christian, Colly [Colley], Conrad, Conrod, Couts, Coutz [Couts], Coyl [Kile], Craig, Cravens, Crommett [Crummett], Crouch, Cunningham, Curtus [Curtis, Curtice], Davis, Dever, Dice [Theiss], Dickinson, Donnelly, Douglass, Dulings, Duncan, Dunkill [Dunkle], Dunwodey, Dyche [Dice Theiss], Dyer, Ermantrout [Armentrout], Ermentraud [Armentrout], Ermentraudt [Armentrout], Eve [Evick, Ewig], Femster?, Fisher, Friedly, Friend, Fudge, Gabbart, Gambel, Gammel [Gambel or Campbell?], Gauker [Cowger?], Gilbert, Glassgo, Goodman [Guttman], Griffen, Gros [Groce, Gross], Grub?, Gudh [Gut, Gutt, Guth, Good], Hameblton [Hamilton], Hammer, Hamms [Hammer?], Harber [Harper], Harbold [Harpole], Harbole [Harpole, Harboldt], Hare [Haas, Haws, Horse], Harmon [Harman], Harrison, Hass, Haws, Henton [Hinton], Herman [Harman], Hetrick [Hedrick], Hettrich [Hedrick], Higher [Hyre], Hog, Hogshead, Hole [Hull, Holl], Hoofman [Huffman], Hoover, Hophman [Huffman], Hornbeck, Hover [Hoover], Hueston [Huston], Hufman [Hoffman Huffman], Huston, Jobb [Shobe], Jobe [Shobe], Johnston, Jones, Jordan, Kile, Kilpaterick [Kilpatrick], Kister [Keister], Knox, Kunrad [Conrad], Lance [Lantz], Laine, Lewis, Loch [Lough], Lockart, Love, Low [Eye], Madison, Mallow, McCreery, McGuier [McGwire], Meacom [Malcolm?], Megary [McGary], Metzger [Butcher], Miller, Mines [Minness], Mitzker [Metzger], Moore, More [Moore], Mouse [Maus], Neal, Nicolas [Nicholas], Ove [Eye], Passenger [Parsinger], Paton [Patton], Patterson, Patton, Pence, Perkey, Persingar, Pickel [Bickel], Pickens, Pickle, Pickles, Poage, Post [Pfost], Powers, Poynter, Preush [Price], Price, Props [Propst], Propst [Probst, Brobst], Pukell? [Pickel, Bickel], Radinbouch [Rudebach, Rudebaugh], Ragan [Reagan], Reburn [Reaburn], Reger [Reager], Reilly, Rexrod [Rexroad Rexrode], Rexrode, Richardson, Ricksrod [Rexrode, Rexroad], Rider, Rine [Rhine, Ryan], Rodgers, Rogers, Rorcbach [Rohrbaugh], Rude [Root], Rudebach, Ruleman [Rollman, Ruhlmann], Rulman, Safley, Scott, Seaman [Simon, Simmons], Seman [Seaman, Simon, Simmons], Shafer, Shanklen [Shanklin], Shanklin, Shaver, Shipler, Shipman, Shobe, Shrop [Sharp, Shawp], Simmons, Sinclair, Singleton, Sivers [Seibert, Seybert], Skidmore, Skihawk, Skilleren, Skillern, Skyhaw, Smith [Schmidt], Stein [Stone], Stephenson, Stone, Swadley, Swatley [Swadley], Taylor, Tyler, Vanemon [Veneman], Vanoye, Vansky [Vanscoy], Veneman, Wagener [Waggoner, Wagner], Waller, Welton, White, Wilfong, Wilke, Wilmott [Wilmouth], Wilson, Wiltfaung [Wiltfong, Wildfang], Woolson.


Antoine Bogard [aka Anthony or Antony Bogart, Bouger, Bougurd] (ca. 1763)
Johannes Bougurd [Bogard] (ca. 1747)
Stephen Conrad* (ca. 1767)
Roger Dyer (ca. 1759)
William Dyer (ca. 1758)
Jacob Harman* (ca. 1764)
Michael Harper (ca. 1767)
Sebastian Neigley (ca. 1772)
Michael Rhine (ca. 1762)
John See (ca. 1756)
Henry Thorn (ca. 1750)
John Wingord [Wingard]* (ca. 1758)
Frederick Zea (ca. 1764)


Arbecast [Arbogast, Arbocast], Archenbright, Archer, Argabright, Armentrout, Bare [Baer], Bear [Baer], Bennengr [Penninger], Bentz [Pence], Bingemon [Bingaman], Black, Bloze, Bogard [Bogart, Bouger, Bougurd], Bogart, Bogert, Borer [Borror], Bougurd [Bogard], Bowyer, Boyer, Brooks, Brown, Burk, Bush, Butcher, Buyer [Boyer?], Byar, Cally [Colley], Candler, Carlock, Carpenter, Carpertoon, Celler [Seller], Christian, Coger? [Cowger?], Colar, Conrad, Conradt, Conred [Conrad, Conradt], Conrod [Conrad], Cook, Couch, Cough, Coutch, Craig, Craven, Cravens, Cunningham, Davis, Dick, Dickinson, Differ, Dunbar, Duncle [Dunkle], Dunkle, Dyer, English, Ermantrout [Armentrout], Erwin, Evick, Ewick [Evick], Faris [Phares?], Feaguson, Ferguson, Ferrel, Fisher, Flaisser [Fleisher], Flesher, Francisco, Franikline, Frazor, Frogg, Fry?, Fudge, Fuge [Fudge], Fulton, Gibson, Gilbert, Gilmore, Gragg, Greenlee, Harman, Harmantrout [Armentrout], Harnes [Harness], Harper, Harrisen, Harrison, Harrisson, Havenaugh [Heavner, Havenor, Heffenor], Henderson, Herman [Harman], Hermon, Hernsberigar [Hernsberger], Herrin [Herring], Herring, Hetrick [Hedrick], Hider, Hill, Hog, Hogshead, Hook, Hoover, Hophman [Huffman, Hoffman], Horn, Hover [Hoover], Hueston [Huston], Hughbanks, Huston, Jameson, Johnson, Jones, Jonson [Johnson], Keester [Keister], Keister, Kerst, Kesling, Kieth, Kirtley [Kirkley, Cartley], Kishlingar, Lants [Lantz, Lentz], Leard [Laird], Leek, Leller?, Lingal?, Lockart, Lockhart, Long, Love, Lung [Long], Lynch, Madison, Magarry, Magget, Magill, Mallo [Mallow], Mallow, Man [Mann], Mayor, McClenachan, McGloughlon, McKim [Meacham?], MClure [McClure], MGarry [McGarry], Millar [Miller?], Millbery, Miller, Minnis, Mitcher [Metzer aka Butcher], Mooberry, Moorman, Muller [Mueller, Miller], Mungomry [Montgomery], Nelson, Nicholas, Nickls [Nicholas], Nicolas [Nicholas], Null, Osburn, Papenger [Passenger?, Parsenger?], Parsinger, Passenger [Persinger, Parsinger], Patton, Pence, Penener [Penninger], Perky, Persingar, Persinger, Peterfish, Peters, Pickens, Pikle [Pickel], Pirkey, Poage, Porteus, Price, Props [Propst], Punce [Pence?, Price?], Rayder [Rader], Reburn, Rexrod [Rexroad, Rexrode], Rhine, Risch [Rush], Robertson, Rolestone [Ralston], Rollman [Ruleman], Russel, Rutledge, Samples, Sapsly, Scott, Seemen [Seaman, Simon, Simmons], Seh [See, Zee, Zeh], Seman [Simon, Simmons], Shall, Shanklan, Shebolor [Sheabler], Shell, Sherp [Sharp], Shirley, Shoemaker, Simmons, Simpson, Skilleren, Smith, Statos, Stephenson, Stone [Stein], Stophelmier, Stroud, Stull, Summy, Swadley, Swarbach, Swardly [Swadly, Swadley], Tamewood, Tetrarch, Thomas, Thompson, Thorn, Toren [Thorn], Tullengar, Upp, Vanderpole, Veninun [Vanemon, Veneman], Vestvall [Westval, Westfall], Waler [Waller], Waller, Wastvale [Westfall],Waver [Weaver?], Weaver, Westfall, Westval [Westfall], Williams [Wilhelm], Willmouth [Wilmouth], Willson [Wilson], Wingar [Wingard], Wingard, Wolf, Wolson, Wright.


John Aberman [Eberman, Everman] (ca. 1774)
Samuel Caplinger [Keplinger] (ca. 1770)
James Coburn (ca. 1749)
Henry Coffman (ca. 1770)
Thomas Lorimar (ca. 1768)
John Reger (ca. 1758)
Daniel Richardson (ca. 1753)
James Scot [Scott] (ca. 1753)
Christian Tosher [Dasher] (ca. 1758)
Blandena Westfall (ca. 1753)
Euric Westfall (ca. 1753)
John Wolf [Woolf] (ca. 1749)
Valentine Yoacum [Yoakum, Yokum] (ca. 1764)
Jacob Zorn (ca. 1755)


Aberman [Eberman, Everman], Andrew, Archer, Berrey, Biaesn? [Reaser?], Bingamon, Bird, Bogard, Botkin [Bodkin], Bowyer, Bozard [Buzzard], Break [Brake], Brooks, Bruin, Burns? [Bruin?], Bush, Byarloy [Byerly], Byrn [Burn], Byrnside, Candler, Caplinger [Keplinger], Carlock, Churchhill, Coburn, Cock, Coffman, Colley, Coningham [Cunningham], Coofman, Coombs, Couchman, Coyle [Coil, Kile], Craddock, Craffort [Crawford], Craford [Crawford], Cravens, Crites, Croso? [Crose, Grose?], Croutch [Crouch], Cunningham, Davies, Daviss, Dorn [Thorn], Dunckle [Dunkle], Dunkel [Dunkle], Dunkell [Dunkle], Dunn, Earsoft [Carloft?], Eavack [Evick], Eravin [Erwin], Everman, Evey, Ewick [Evick], Frazier, Gardner, Gilbert, Gragg, Gratton, Haas, Halbert, Hammer, Harnas [Harness], Harness, Harnis [Harness], Harniss [Harness], Harns [Harness], Harper, Harpool [Harpole], Harrisson, Haws, Heath, Heier [Hire], Herness [Harness], Hibe [Hite?], Higgins, Hinderson [Henderson], Hire [Hyre], Hite, Hodges, Hog, Hooffman [Huffman], Hook, Horn, Hornbaak [Hornback], Hornback, Horse [Haas, Haws], Hover [Hoover], Huffman, Hugart, Hupp, Hurdman, Huver [Hoover], Jennings, Job [Shobe], Jobb [Shobe], Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Kitchpatrick [Kirkptrick], Knave [Neff], Knefs?, Knowles, Kortegh? [Curtract, Curdrake], Langisco [Lancisco], Lansisco, Lorimar, Lorimor, Lynch, Madison, Magary [McGarry], Magill [McGill], Maglahlon [McLaughlin], Make, Mason, Maurer [Mason], McCluer [McClure], McNeal, Metts, Miars [Meyers], Miller, Minnes [Minness], Mook [Make?], Moor [Moore], Moore, Moorman, Osburn, Our, Oxer, Parsons, Patton, Petterson [Patterson], Poage, Preston, Propst, Rabuch [Radabough?], Radabaugh, Reager, Reed, Reger [Reager, Reagor], Reiger, Reuger [Reiger, Reagor, Reager], Richardson, Ritchison [Richardson], Rodebach, Rorebough [Rohrbaugh], Rutherback [Radabaugh?], Rydebogh [Radabough], Schoolcraft, Scot [Scott], Scott, Scully, Sears, See, Seibert [Seybert], Shifeler, Shipler, Shiplor, Shippley, Shook, Shork [Shirk], Shriver, Sibbard [Seybert], Simpson, Singleton, Sivart [Seibert, Seybert], Skidmore, Smith, Spelman, Steenburgen, Stein [Stone], Stephenson, Stewart, Stone, Stump, Sullivan, Swadly [Swadley], Swatly [Swadley], Sympson [Simpson], Taff, Tassher [Dasher], Thompson, Thorn, Thorne, Tosher [Dasher], Vanderpool, Vanemen, Vanswell?, Varvill, Wellton [Welton], Welton, West, Westfall, Willby, Willkie, Willson, Wilson, Wise, Wolf [Woolf], Wolson, Wright, Yeasill, Yeocum [Yoakum, Yokum], Yeokkam [Yoakum, Yokam], Yeokim [Yeokam, Yoakum, Yokam], Yoacum [Yoakum, Yokum], Zorn.



Christian Awick [Evick] vs. Elizabeth Wilsunken [Wilfong] (ca. 1755)
Elizabeth Wilfunger [Wilfong] vs. Christian Evick (ca. 1755)
Mich & Elizabeth Rigney [Rhine] vs. Christian Evick (ca. 1757)
Margaret Dier [Dyer] vs. John Colley (ca. 1758)
Henry Lawrence's admr. vs. Michael Frees' [Freeze, Friese] admr. (ca. 1759)
Jacob Siver's [Seybert] admr. vs. Hance Reger's [John Reger, Reager] admr. (ca. 1759)
Christian Ewick [Evick] vs. Frederick Gorle [Goile, Coil, Kile] (ca. 1762)
Bastian Hubert [Hoover] vs. Henry Stone (ca. 1763)
Christian Evick vs. George Bush (ca. 1763)
Christian Eumick [Evick] vs. Andrew Tull [Full] (ca. 1763)
Frederick Upp vs. Henry Stone (ca. 1763)
Jacob Liver's [Sivers, Seybert] admr. vs. Hance Reger's [John Reger, Reager] admr. (ca. 1763)
Valentine Metcher [Metzger] vs. Thomas Stevenson (ca. 1764)
Christian Evick vs. Gabriel Coyle [Coile, Kile] (ca. 1765)
Henry Pickle [Pickel] vs. Michael Mallow (ca.1771)
Jacob Peterson vs. David Rule [Rell] & Martin Judy (ca. 1772)
Michael Mallow vs. Valentine Metseer [Metzger, Mitscher] (ca. 1772)
Henry Peninger [Penninger] vs. Francis & Margaret Evee [Evick] (ca. 1772)
Henry Penniger [Penninger] vs. Francis Evee [Evick] (ca. 1772)
Abraham Hinkle vs. David Harman [Harmon] (ca. 1773)
William Boyer vs. George Wilfong (ca. 1773)
William Boyer vs. Michael Wilfong (ca. 1773)
Abraham Hinkle vs. Joseph Ham (ca. 1774)
Stophel Owie [Christopher Eye] vs. Jacob Mott [Motz, Moates] (ca. 1787)


Argabright, Awick [Evick], Bark, Boyer, Bush, Bushe [Bush], Cloyd, Colley, Coyle [Coile, Kile], Cunningham, Dier [Dyer], Eumick [Evick], Evack [Evick], Evee [Evick], Evick, Evik [Evick], Ewick [Evick], Eye, Frece [Freeze, Friese], Frees [Freeze, Friese], Full, Goodman, Gorle [Coil, Goile, Kile], Graham, Green, Ham, Hammer, Harman [Harmon], Harrison, Havener [Heavner, Heavener], Havenner [Heavner, Heavener], Havinor [Heavner, Heavener], Henckel [Hinkle], Hevenner [Heavner, Heavener], Hinkle, Hite, Hog, Hubart [Hoover], Hubert [Hoover], Johnston, Judy, Keister, Lawrence, Lemly, Liver [Sivers, Seybert], Lyle, Madison, Mallo [Mallow], Mallow, Malow [Mallow], M'Callaster, McDonald, Metcher [Metzger], Metseer [Metzger], Metzger, Miller, Mitscher [Metzger], Mott [Motz, Moates], Motz, Owie [Eye], Patton, Peninger [Penninger], Penniger [Penninger], Peterson, Pickel [Pickle], Pickle [Pickel], Preston, Reager [Reger], Regar [Reager], Reger [Reager], Rell, Rigney [Rhine], Riney [Rhine], Rollstone, Rule [Rell], Rynd [Rhine], Ryners [Rhine], Sears, Seymour, Simmons, Siver [Seybert], Sivers [Seybert], Skidmore, Smith, Stein [Stone], Stevenson, Stone, Stump, Tull [Full], Upp, Wilfong, Wilfunger [Wilfong], Wilfunker [Wilfong], Willfong [Wilfong], Wilsunken [Wilfong], Wiltfaunger [Wilfong].


Abraham Hite vs. Anthony Bogard (ca. 1755)
Abraham Kite [Hite] vs. Anthony Bogard (ca. 1755)
John Ramsey asgn vs Thomas Lorrimer [Lorimer, Larrimore] (ca. 1757)
Jacob Roulman [Roleman, Ruleman] vs. John Wamsley (ca. 1760)
Valentine Coyle [Kile] vs Henry Bannigan [Baninger, Peninger, Penninger] (ca. 1760)
Valentine Coyle vs Matthew Harper (ca. 1760)
Anthony Regar [Reager, Reiger] vs Wm Glasgow (ca. 1761)
Michael Malton [Mallow] vs. David Edwards (ca. 1762)
Christopher Armentrout vs. Valentine Butcher [Metzger] (ca. 1763)
Nicholas Null vs Zacharia Rexrod [Rexroad, Rexrode] (ca. 1764)
Michael Mallow vs Samuel Hines (ca. 1765)
Ludwick Wagner [Waggoner] vs George Bush (ca. 1765)
Christian Roleman [Ruleman] vs William Chancey (ca. 1765)
Ludwick Waggoner vs George Bush (ca. 1766)
George Hammer [Hammen] vs Peter Vinemon [Vanemon, Veneman, Venemon] (ca. 1767)
Ralph Laverty vs Christian Roleman [Rolomon, Ruleman] (ca. 1767)
Richard Bodkin vs Mark Swadley (ca. 1769)
Mathew Patton vs Ludawick Waggoner (ca. 1769)
Jacob Conrad [Conrod, Coonorod, Cunrod] vs. John Walmsley [Wamsley] (ca. 1770)
Thomas Dooley vs Mark Swadley (ca. 1771)
Lewis Wagoner [Waggoner] vs. Lewis Baker & Christian Rolman [Cristian Roulman, Ruleman] (ca. 1772)
? Hinkle [Yo, Yoste, Justus Hinkle] vs. Moses Thompson [Tomson] (ca. 1773)
William Boyer [Bowyer] vs Jacob Borar [Borror] (ca. 1773)
William Boyer [Bowyer] vs Mack Swadley [Mark, Markus Swadly] (ca. 1773)
William Boyer [Bowyer] vs Mark Swadling [Swadley] (ca. 1773)
Michael Props [Propst] vs. John Caplinger [Keplinger] (ca. 1773)
William Boyer [Bowyer] vs. Adam Mallow & Frederick Reister [Keister] adms. of Michael Mallow (ca. 1773)
William Boyer [Bowyer] vs. Adam Mallow adm. of Michael Mallow (ca. 1773)
Christopher Eye vs. Hugh Bodkin (ca. 1773)
Christopher Eye vs. Joseph Bayley [Bailey] (ca. 1774)
Michael Preps [Props, Propst] vs Henry Stone (ca. 1774)
Jacob Conrad vs John Wolf (ca. 1775)
Matthew Dice vs. John Miller (ca. 1782)
Thomas Bland vs. Daniel Joseph (ca. 1787)


Armentrout, Baker, Bannigan [Baninger, Peninger, Penninger], Bayley [Bailey], Bland, Bodkin, Bogard, Borar [Borror], Borror, Bowyer, Boyer [Bowyer], Bucherd [Bogard], Bush, Butcher [Metzger], Caplinger [Keplinger], Chambers, Chancey, Christian, Cofman [Coffman, Kaufmann], Conrad [Conrod, Coonorod, Cunrod], Coyle [Kile], Dice, Dooley, Edwards, Estill, Eye, Gamble, Glasgow, Graham, Hammer [Hammen], Hanger, Harper, Harrison, Henckel [Hinkle], Hermantrout [Armentrout], Hines, Hinkle, Hite, Hog, Hover [Hoover], Johnson, Johnston, Joseph, Keister, Kile, Kite [Hite], Laverty, Link, Lorrimer [Lorimer, Larrimore], Madison, Mallow, Malton [Mallow], Mekker [Metzger, Butcher], Miller, Mustoe, Null, Patton, Pearson, Powell, Preps [Propst], Props [Propst], Ramsey, Regar [Reager, Reiger], Reister [Keister], Rexrod [Rexroad, Rexrode], Rhoades, Roleman [Rolomon, Ruleman], Rolman [Roulman, Ruleman], Roulman [Roleman, Ruleman], Ruleman, Shanklin, Skidmore, Smith, Stephenson, Stone, Swadley, Swadling [Swadley], Swadly [Swadley], Symmonds [Simmons], Teter, Thompson, Tomson [Thompson], Vanmeter, Vinemon [Vanemon, Veneman, Venemon], Waggoner, Wagner [Waggoner], Wagoner [Waggoner], Walmsley [Wamsley], Wamsley, Wolf.

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